
Science And Technology

In distinction to previous dens ity scan experi ments, which confirmed an outward shift of the current density profile of lower hybrid current drive in greater plasma density, the core electron temperature (Te) is discovered to affect the LHCD current profile as well. According to equilibrium reconstruction, a big enhance in on-axis security factor from 2.05 to 3.41 is noticed by careful arrangement of RFCD. Simulations using ray-tracing code GENRAY and Fokker–Planck code CQL3D have been performed to completely analyze the LHCD present profile, revealing the sensitivity of the LHCD current profile to Te. The LHCD current density tends to build up within the plasma core with greater current drive effectivity benefiting from higher Te. With a lower Te, the LHCD present profile broadens because of off-axis deposition of energy density. A fully indexed powder diffraction sample which agrees with single crystal knowledge may be used as evidence of a bulk homogeneous construction and chem